How Time management can change your life

The Third Habit - Put First Thing First

October 6th, 2023

This is The Friday Journal, your weekly source of inspiration for a better life. Each week, I share thoughts and practical ideas to help you find happiness, health, and success.

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Welcome back to another inspiring edition of our journey towards becoming a happier and more effective person. In our previous newsletters, we spoke about the first two habits: "Be Proactive" and "Begin with the End in Mind," laying the groundwork for personal and professional transformation. Today, we're diving into Stephen Covey's third habit from his bestselling book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The book that will surely change your life.

If you haven’t read the previous issues, you can read them here:

This is a 4-minute read.

Before we dive in, grab a soothing cup of your favorite drink, give me all your attention, and let's get started!

The Third Habit: Put First Things First

Imagine this: You've set clear, meaningful goals (habit two), and you're ready to take charge of your life. But there's a persistent challenge - distractions. They come in many forms - the lure of social media, a never-ending to-do list, or simply the tyranny of the urgent. These distractions threaten to derail your journey to effectiveness and happiness.

This is where the third habit, "Put First Things First," comes into play. Covey's wisdom reminds us that achieving our goals demands not just clarity but also discipline. We must learn to prioritize and focus on what truly matters. It's the art of time management and personal management, combined to create a powerful force for productivity and fulfillment.

Let me share a story that vividly illustrates the profound impact of putting first things first.

I've always been passionate about writing and nurturing the dream of sharing my thoughts with a broader audience. However, like many of us, I found myself trapped in the whirlwind of a busy life. My job bombarded me with urgent requests, social invitations never seemed to end, and the allure of binge-watching TV during my free time was often too strong to resist.

But then, one day, I made a life-altering decision that changed everything. I wholeheartedly embraced Habit 3, "Put First Things First."

Here's what I did:

Every morning, before the world had a chance to intrude, I carved out a dedicated hour for my writing. It wasn't easy at first, but as I persisted, something incredible happened. I started by creating a blog, then a newsletter, and eventually, I launched my very own website.

With each passing day, my words flowed more effortlessly onto the pages. By consistently putting writing first, I transformed my dream into a tangible reality.

This journey taught me the extraordinary power of prioritizing what truly matters. It's a lesson I carry with me as we explore Covey's third habit, "Put First Things First," together.

The Power of Habit

At the core of Habit 3 is the recognition that effective time management is built on establishing and nurturing the right habits. Habits are the invisible architecture of our daily lives. They shape who we are, what we achieve, and ultimately, the legacy we leave behind.

Consider this: The world's most accomplished individuals didn't attain success through random acts but through consistent, purposeful habits. Think of legendary writer Maya Angelou, who maintained a daily writing ritual, or business magnate Warren Buffett, who reads for hours each day. These habits didn't form overnight; they developed through commitment and practice.

Exercises to Begin Habit 3

  1. The Time Matrix: Begin by dividing your tasks into four categories: urgent and important, not urgent but important, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This simple matrix helps you prioritize tasks effectively.

  2. Create a Weekly Planner: Design a weekly planner that allocates time for activities in each quadrant of the Time Matrix. Ensure that you dedicate substantial time to activities that are important but not necessarily urgent.

  3. Say No with Grace: Learning to say no to non-essential commitments is a crucial part of putting first things first. Practice declining requests politely but firmly, especially if they threaten to overburden your schedule.

  4. Identify Your Peak Hours: Understand when you are most productive during the day and reserve those hours for your most critical tasks. This optimizes your efficiency and helps you tackle important projects effectively.

  5. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your progress and make adjustments to your time management strategies. What's working well? Where can you improve? Cultivate a habit of self-reflection and adaptability.

Personal Mission Statement

As you embark on the journey to put first things first, consider crafting a personal mission statement. Similar to Habit 2's exercise, "Begin with the End in Mind," this statement serves as a guiding light, helping you align your daily actions with your long-term goals and values.

Closing Thoughts

The third habit is a pivotal step on our path to personal and professional effectiveness. It's about harnessing the power of habit to direct your energy and attention towards the pursuits that truly matter.

As you embrace this habit, be patient with yourself, and stay committed to the principles of effectiveness. In the coming weeks, we'll continue our exploration of Covey's timeless wisdom, uncovering more insights to empower your journey.

Thank you for being part of our community of seekers and achievers. Your commitment to personal growth is a source of inspiration.

In the next issue, we'll explore Habit 4: "Think Win-Win" where we'll discuss having the courage to seek mutual benefit from all human interactions instead of having winners on the one side and losers on the other.

Until next time, prioritize wisely, and may your journey be filled with purpose, productivity, and fulfillment.

With gratitude and purpose,


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