From Dreamer to Writer

The First Step

No. 1 — May 19th, 2023

Hey, there 👋- Sam is here!

This is The Friday Snippets, a weekly newsletter where I provide actionable ideas to help you build a high-performing, healthy, wealthy life and share what I’m pondering and exploring.

Feel free to forward this along to friends!

Today at a Glance:

  • Who am I

  • Why I started writing a Newsletter

  • What to Expect from My Newsletter

  • A message from the creator (Me!)

This is a 9-minute read, it’s a long one, so get your coffee ready, and let's start!

Who am I?!

My name is Sam! I'm an Architect and I love writing but never had the chance or better said, never took the step to start writing, because I was busy with my life, procrastinating and immersing myself more in the rat race like 95% of people.

I'm a curious person, I love to learn anything that gets my interest, and I love to read so much, so I read whatever comes my way.

If you're asking yourself who cares? Well, actually no one!

I'm writing this Email for myself, I'm writing it to be better at writing, I'm writing because I took the decision and made that long waited step towards my passion.

I'm starting now because the best time to start is to actually start.

Most probably, no one except my closest people will read this email, if they read it in the first place!

Anyway, Let me continue…

Why I started writing a Newsletter

I love listening to Podcasts a lot, you get a lot of value from them. So, one day I was listening to Dan Koe's Podcast “The Koe’s Letter” (One of the best), and it was about creating your own personal brand and business, it's called the "new wave" of micro-businesses —You can Read the online version here.

In his podcast, he spoke about The 3 Points Micro Business Model, which is:

  1. Start a Newsletter

  2. Condense into Medium Form

  3. Breakoff into Short Form

And he said:

I don't want to overwhelm you.

I want to give you a practical business model that you can start building today.

It will be extremely difficult at the start (as ALL things are).

But as the path of mastery goes... it starts as difficult but becomes more pleasurable with time.

For the last couple of years, I've been striving to build my personal brand and to start my own business around what I love, and that was like a spark to me, something inside told me that I'm such a slacker and I've been procrastinating for so long, and it's just about time to start.

And I started a Newsletter!

I know that people don’t want to start a Newsletter because they don't have any subscribers.

And that's exactly why I started one.

Nobody's watching!

I want to practice my writing while I still don't have any subscribers and it's much easier than waiting to write my first issue to 1000 or more subscribers which means never writing at all.

I started writing now to become better at writing and developing the depth behind my thoughts, and by the time I have subscribers and an audience, I will be already good at it.

This Newsletter will be the pillar of my personal brand and business. And If I succeed in it, that would mean that I achieved my goal of building my personal brand and business.

What to Expect from My Newsletter

I'm a big fan of newsletters, and I'm subscribed to many of them, but unfortunately a fair amount of them, the creators are just trying to sell me something, and not giving any value. So I see many of the newsletters now are not valuable anymore.

This Newsletter I want to make it as valuable as I can.

Let me tell you how…

I believe that a Creator should:

  • Inspire

  • Educate

  • Entertain

And that's what I plan to do here.

In this Newsletter, I will be sharing:

  • Things I’m enjoying

  • Quotes I’m pondering

  • Productivity and Growth Tips

  • Interesting Ideas and thoughts

  • Situations that happened to me

  • Books, News, Articles, and Newsletters I'm reading

  • Movies, Documentaries, and any videos I’m watching

  • My Favorite Things (Books, A Place to Visit, Channels, Apps, and Gadgets)

In short, for anything interesting I come through, I will share it here.

This newsletter will be my chat zone where I will write about anything I feel like writing about.

A message from the creator (Me!)

If this is my newsletter, and no one's reading it anyway, I can choose whatever name I want for myself!

A creator sounds good!

This message is to my future self and anyone reading of course.

Who knows, maybe in a couple of years I'll achieve my goals and become what I wanted, or hopefully better, and then come back to this email and remember those days and the struggles I've gone through and it would then make me proud.

My message:

This is my first real issue, I wrote a couple of emails before but most of them I never published, only two I did publish, one is my welcome message and the other was about J. K. Rowling's story (Link), which until the moment I'm writing this had 1 view only!

Today I'm glad that I took the first step in doing what I love, I've always been passionate about writing and always wanted to be a writer, I even remember imagining how my life would be as a writer, and now that I wrote my first piece, I feel excited, even knowing that most probably no one will be reading it, I’m just glad that I took the first step.

All I have to do now is to keep going and not give up when it gets hard. I know that It won't be easy but I got this.

I know now that I'm still new and my writing is full of imperfections, and I still have a long way to go, but I just believe that our imperfections are what makes us special and they're the fuel for our growth and success.

I've been waiting for this moment all my life, and now that I started, I will enjoy it all the way!

It will take time, but in the end, I'll get there, and the next time I'll be reading this again, I will be exactly where I wanted to be.

Finally, We all have something special and it's up to us to figure it out.

Mine is writing… What's yours?!

That's it.

Enjoy your week and see you soon!



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