The Second Habit to Build a Happy Successful Life

Begin With The End in Mind

September 22nd, 2023

This is The Friday Journal, your weekly dose of inspiration that helps you build a fulfilling happy, healthy, and successful life. Each week I share my thoughts on what I’m pondering and exploring, providing you with valuable insights and actionable ideas.

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Today, we're diving into Stephen Covey's second habit from his bestselling book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The book that will surely change your life.

If you didn't read the last issues, you can read them here:

This is a 4-minute read.

Before we dive in, grab a cup of something comforting, and give me all your attention because what I’m about to talk about in today’s issue could help you avoid falling into a critical mistake that you could discover when it’s too late.

Now let's get started!

Photo by Jordan Seott

First, I need you to imagine something with me:

Imagine you're about to embark on a thrilling adventure that you’ve been preparing for a long time. You've got a map, a backpack full of everything you need, you have the money and tools, and a burning desire to explore the world. You're so excited, but there's one thing missing – a clear destination. Where are you headed, and why?!

Well, life is a lot like that adventure. Without a destination, we can find ourselves wandering aimlessly, never really knowing if we're on the right path.

Sometimes feel like chasing our goals is taking a toll on our lives. Goals are fantastic, but unfortunately, they can lead us down a path that might not align with our true desires and values, and it’s up to us to make sure that our goals are not damaging our lives.

Life requires a blueprint, and it's about creating a clear picture of your ideal future before you even begin. This is the essence of Covey's second habit – to "Begin with the End in Mind."

What does it mean to begin with the end in mind?

Think of it as creating a blueprint for your life. It's like having a vivid picture of the house you want to build before you start stacking the bricks. This habit is all about setting a clear destination for your life's journey. "Beginning with the End in Mind" means having a crystal-clear understanding of your life's purpose and values. It's about knowing where you're heading and why.

Let's break it down:

  1. Life Blueprint: Just as an architect envisions every detail of a building, you must envision your life. What do you want to accomplish? What kind of person do you want to become?

  2. Visualize Your Future: Close your eyes and imagine your life in the future. Picture the person you want to be, the achievements you've unlocked, and the emotions you feel. This mental image becomes your North Star.

  3. Define Your Values: Your values are your guiding principles. They define what's most important to you. Aligning your life with these values ensures you live authentically and with purpose.

  4. Set Goals: Armed with your vision, set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. These are the stepping stones that bridge the gap between your present and your envisioned future.

Why Does It Matter?

Now, if you wonder, why is this so critical? Beginning with the end in mind is like having a GPS for your life's journey. It ensures you're on the right path, heading toward a life that truly fulfills you.

Consider building that dream house. You'd start with a plan, gather the right tools, and work toward your vision. Life is no different. When you know where you're headed, you can make choices and take actions that align with your goals.

Exercises to Start

Let’s put this into practice!

Here are some steps to exercise "Beginning with the End in Mind":

  1. Self-Reflection: This is the cornerstone of "Beginning with the End in Mind." Take time for deep introspection. Consider your values, passions, and dreams. What truly matters to you in life? Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and the experiences that have shaped you. Journal your thoughts and feelings to gain clarity. Self-discovery is the first step toward creating a meaningful vision.

  2. Create a Vision Board: Once you've identified your core values and aspirations, it's time to visualize them. Collect images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your goals and values. Create a vision board by arranging these elements on a board or digitally using tools like Notion. Your vision board will serve as a powerful daily reminder of your desired future.

  3. Set SMART Goals: Now that you have a vision, it's essential to break it down into actionable steps. This is where SMART goals come into play. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For each aspect of your vision, set SMART goals. For instance, if your vision is to become a published author, a SMART goal could be, "Write and submit one article per month to a reputable magazine for the next year." SMART goals provide clarity and a clear path forward.

  4. Write a Personal Mission Statement: Crafting a personal mission statement is like distilling your life's purpose into a few sentences. It should encapsulate your values, aspirations, and the person you want to become. Start by writing down your core values, such as integrity, creativity, kindness, or compassion. Then, articulate how you plan to live these values daily. Here's a simple primitive template to get you started: "My mission is to [core values] by [actions]. I will [specific actions] to achieve my vision of [your envisioned future]." (I will write a separate issue about Personal mission statement and how to write it in the future)

  5. Visualization and Affirmations: Visualization is a powerful technique used by athletes, entrepreneurs, and achievers from all walks of life. Take time each day to visualize your future as if it's already happening. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself living your ideal life. Feel the emotions, hear the sounds, and see the details. Pair this with daily affirmations. These are positive statements that reinforce your goals and beliefs. For example, "I am on the path to becoming the best version of myself, and I am worthy of all the success that comes my way."

  6. Regular Review and Adjustment: Your journey doesn't end with goal-setting and creating a mission statement. Regularly review your goals and mission statement. Assess your progress, celebrate your achievements, and learn from any setbacks. Life is dynamic, and your vision may evolve over time. Be open to adjusting your goals and mission statement to stay aligned with your true aspirations.

  7. Seek Guidance and Accountability: Sharing your journey with a mentor, coach, or a trusted friend or family member can provide invaluable support. They can offer guidance, and feedback, and hold you accountable for your goals. Consider seeking out like-minded individuals who share your vision for personal growth.

Applying these principles will ensure your goals enhance your life, align with your values, and lead to authentic fulfillment. It's not just about achieving your goals; it's about becoming the person you want to be along the way.

Closing Thoughts

As you begin to "Begin with the End in Mind," remember that your life is a masterpiece in progress. Embrace this habit, and you'll find that every choice you make becomes a stepping stone in your dream life.

In the next issue, we'll explore Habit 3: "Put First Things First," discussing effective time management and prioritization.

Until then…Stay inspired, stay focused, and remember, your future is yours to design.

To a purposeful and fulfilling life,


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