The Art of Seeing Life Differently

Intellectual Perspective

July 21st, 2023

This is The Friday Journal, your weekly dose of inspiration that helps you build a fulfilling high-performing healthy, and successful life. Each week I share my thoughts on what I’m pondering and exploring, providing you with valuable insights and actionable ideas.

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Today at a Glance:

This is the first of a series of journals on the pursuit of happiness. Today is about Intellectual Perspectives and how they can help change our lives.

This is a 4-minute read.

So, get your coffee ready, and let's get started!

Intellectual Perspectives

We live by the ideas, beliefs, and distinctions that we perceive as important based on our programming.

Our minds shape how we perceive the world, influencing our decisions and actions. Sometimes, we unknowingly adopt society's norms, which can lead to unhappiness and feeling stuck.

We always try to change the world around us which consumes a lot of time and energy, while we should be changing ourselves instead.

The change starts from within.

Stephen Covey in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" shares an eye-opening story about how we can be easily deceived by what we see.

Covey says that one Sunday he took the subway and while everyone was just sitting and resting a man entered with his kids, he sat down, put his head back, and closed his eyes while his kids were being very noisy, running everywhere and annoying everyone around.

Unable to resist, he approached the man and gently asked him to manage his kids, sensing that everyone around was annoyed. The man slowly opened his eyes, looking troubled, and responded, "Sir, I'm sorry. I should control them, but I'm just out of my mind. We came from the hospital, and their mother passed away an hour ago. I don't know what to do, and the kids are just as shocked."

The story left me speechless, making me realize how often we make assumptions without knowing the full picture.

We often make judgments based on what we see, but the truth might be different. This is where the intellectual perspective comes into play—the lens through which we view the world. It's shaped by our life experiences and social influences.

Change it and you'll change your life.

Changing your Intellectual Perspective and how you see or perceive the world takes time, but it's crucial for happiness and life, so it deserves the effort and time.

We need a radical change, a change that would last.

To radically change there're 2 steps:

  • Step 1 - Start changing from inside

  • Step 2 - Change Intellectual Perspective

Step 1 - Start changing from inside

To find lasting happiness, we must start by changing from within. Believe in the need for change and build the right mindset. Take control of your life and don't let society dictate your path.

If you don’t want your life to be the product of someone else’s vision, you must take control of your own. You can enjoy a life that someone assigns to you, but that does not bring fulfillment.

When you change from the inside, everything else starts to change.

Step 2 - Change your Intellectual Perspective

Next, challenge your intellectual perspective.

The world is full of nuances and complexities, and not everything is as it seems at first glance. Instead of rushing into decisions, take a moment to ponder and consider different viewpoints.

As you begin to embrace new perspectives, your approach to life will change too, and you'll find yourself discovering unexplored opportunities and gaining the strength to overcome obstacles that once held you back.

This shift in your intellectual lens will lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, enhancing your decision-making skills and fostering empathy for others.

That’s it for today!

Until then, Enjoy your week, and get ready because next Friday, I'll reveal a powerful tool for radical change that will set you on a journey of self-discovery.

And if you know someone who you would love him to know as well about the power of the intellectual perspective, and how to change it to change his life as well, send him this email!




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